Craps Strategy – Based On Points

Many online players are using a strategy based on points when playing Craps. Only bets with the lowest possible house edges (Come and Pass Line bets; both pay out 1:1 and house edges are only 1.4%) are used, combined with single free odd wagers, increasing payouts and lowering house edges even more.


The object is to get at least two points and then back them with additional bets. A $1 bet is placed on the Pass Line and the dice are rolled. If the come out roll equals 7 or 11, the bet wins; a throw of 2, 3 or 11 will automatically lose the bet. Either way, the table will then be cleared and players start again.

When a point has been established (let’s assume the point is 4 for this example) following a come out roll, players need to make 2 moves. First, a $1 free odd bet is placed on the Pass Line. For this, the chip is placed just outside the Pass Line, in order to distinguish it from the originally placed bet (this is important as the two bets have different payouts). Then a $1 Come bet is also placed and the dice are rolled.

Both Come and Pass Line bets are tracked independent from one another. A throw of 7 will lose both Pass Line and free odds bets and they are subsequently removed. A 4, the point, will result in the Pass Line and free odds to be paid out and are again removed. Either way, players will start a fresh sequence by placing a new Pass Line bet of $1. Should any other number, for instance a 9, be thrown, the free odds and Pass Line bets continue.

Next the Come bet (which is independent from the Pass Line bet) is looked at and we will again work with the already established point of 4. Throws of 7, 11, as well as 2 and 3 or 12 will either lose or pay out the Come bet, which will then be removed. In case of the throw being a 9, the Come bet chip will be moved to the box marked with a 9. This is known as the point for the next Come bet. Play will then continue with the player clicking next to the chip within the box in order to place a free odds bet of $1 to combine with the Come bet.

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